ENG 100 English Remedial III
The ENG 100 is the third and last part of the IEP combined sequence. Students who successfully complete ENG 100 may enroll in for credit REP courses, regular English Program, based on their assessment results (successful completion criteria may vary depending on the major applied for).
The level of study is more advanced. The course delivery is an intermediate to upper-intermediate level. The course is interactive and uses a range of language games, and task-oriented practices with instances of role-playing. Students are evaluated through assignments, quizzes, midterms and finals.
The ENG 100 is a six-credit course that involves 120 hours of direct contact hours in classes distributed across 15 weeks, weekly 7.5 hours of 2 hours & 30 minutes per day.
Students must be open to accepting a morning or evening schedule depending on availability.
During the summer session, classes meet Monday through Friday in the morning only.
There is a set of assessment methods used for the course such as regular assignments, quizzes, partial exams, projects and the final exam.