Remedial Programs
Remedial Programs
Conducting an assessment in Arabic, English and Math for securing a study place for a Major at any of the three faculties of the University is an essential tool for evaluating the educational skill levels of students and assisting students in their selection of courses that lead to achieving their educational goals in the most effective and efficient way.
For the purpose of assessment, MU uses a custom-designed test: Al-Maaref Arabic Placement Test (MAPT), Al-Maaref English Placement Test (MEPT), Al-Maaref Math Placement Test.
Students may vary in their existing abilities due to the fact that each is the outcome of different study journeys before s/he enters to MU.
It is pivotal that all students have the capability to play on the same field by making sure that all of them have already acquired the necessary skills for succeeding the selected mass communication major. Arabic, English and Math are primary domains of utilisation in the field of study and fields of prospective professional work.
The Faculty feels obliged that all its students are already well equipped with the best means of linguistic and mathematical skills for excelling in the study of mass communication.
For those students who their MU Placement Tests may have shown the need for further development and improvement, the Faculty of MCFU in collaboration with the Department of Translation and Languages as well as the Faculty of Business Administration has developed remedial program for each of those areas that some of the students may require further development and strengthening.
Depending on the Placement test scores that the student may have obtained in each of the three tested areas, the remedial courses in two of the three areas, Arabic and English, are each made of three levels, excluding the remedial Math that is made of one level, for which each one lasts for fifteen-week session (a semester).