A New Batch of TRL Students Present their Capstone Projects

On July 12, 2020, senior students at the Department of Translation and Languages (DTL) of the Faculty of Religions and Human Sciences at Al Maaref University presented their capstone projects in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Languages for Spring 2020/2021. The students are: Alaa Al-Mokdad, Batoul Nasserddine, Kawthar Saffieddine, Fatima Maatouk, Malak Ismail, Zahraa Al-Hazzaa, Fatima Awde, and Fatima Fadlallah.
The Examining Committee consisted of the following members:
- Ms. Zeinab Anis Jaber, DTL Chairperson
- Dr. Abir Nasereddine, DTL instructor
- Dr. Ziad Mikati, DTL instructor
- Dr. Zeina Al-Toufaily, DTL instructor
Candidates were given 15 to 20 minutes to present their work, highlighting its main parts with a focus on the findings. Each presentation was then followed by questions to which the candidates duly responded.
The titles of the studies were as follows:
1. دراسة تحليليّة في استراتيجيّات التّرجمة الفوريّة للخطاب السياسي من الإنجليزية إلى العربيّة: الاختلاف بين خطابيْ الرئيسيْن جو بايدن ودونالد ترامب نموذجًا
- Candidates: Alaa Al-Mokdad and Batoul Nasserddine
- Advisor: Dr. Ziad Mikati
2. ترجمة شعر نزار قباني بين قيود الشكل والمضمون: قصيدة "خبز وقمر وحشيش"
- Candidates: Kawthar Saffieddine and Fatima Maatouk
- Advisor: Dr. Ziad Mikati
3. Translation of Interjections: The Novel “Oliver Twist” as a Case Study
- Candidates: Malak Ismail
- Advisor: Dr. Ziad Mikati
4. ترجمة الأمثال الشّعبيّة من العربيّة إلى الإنكليزيّة: لُبنان والخليج العربيّ أنموذجًا
- Candidates: Zahraa Al-Hazzaa and Fatima Awde
- Advisor: Dr. Zeina Al-Toufaily
5. ترجمة المُصطلحات القانونيّة من العربيّة إلى الإنكليزيّة: قانون العقوبات أنموذجًا
- Candidates: Fatima Fadlallah
- Advisor: Dr. Zeina Al-Toufaily