MU participated in the 14th LCPC
For the second consecutive year, Al Maaref University participated in the 14th Lebanese Collegiate Programming Competition (LCPC). 12 students represented the University and were divided into four teams among 33 participating teams from different Lebanese universities.
The students are: Saleh Marji, Zahraa Al-Husseini, Mohamad Mahdi Marji, Ali Haidar, Mona Badran, Mohamad Al-Asbat, Hasan Tarhini, Mohamad Ayoub, Kassem Awada, Hasan Tofayli, Rida Diad, and Jihad Abdel-Ghani. “ClockSpeed” team composed of the students Saleh Marji, Zaharaa Al-Husseini, and Mohamad Mahdi Marji snatched the 8th place. This participation was preceded by a set of training sessions, organized by the University, to prepare students for the competition. The competition took place on Saturday, October 8 at AUB.
The LCPC is a national algorithmic programming contest for University students, where teams of three compete to solve challenging programming problems. The first three teams are qualified for LCPC regional African and Arab contest (ACPC), which also qualifies for the World finals - the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).