Al Maaref University Library
Al Maaref University Library

Al Maaref library seeks to become a modern library with the potential to offer the highest standards of services, and capitalizing on the university support to be able to keep up with the modern methods of acquisition and retention of the necessary variety of books to support teaching and open learning as well as support the academic and scientific research.
Library Objectives In general
The library has a number of objectives that must be reached in order to attain the required quality and to satisfy the beneficiaries. The objectives of the library can be represented as follows:
- Encourage scientific research.
- Encourage scientific publishing such as researches, studies, books, etc…
- Support scholastic curricula in the university’s faculties.
- Present the best information services to the students, staff, faculty and external users.
- Provide information sources to best serve the various majors in the university.
- Develop the library systems, which harmonize with the modern developments in the field of library sciences, services and information.
- Prepare the adequate atmosphere inside the library for study and research.
- Provide information sources that strongly connect with the scholastic curricula.
- Train the beneficiaries on the appropriate use of the library with its sources and various services.
- Train the beneficiaries on how to conduct a sound search for information via the Internet, the specialized databases, and the open sources.
Library Audience:
The library audience refers to all people benefiting from the library services or the library visitors. They can be categorized as follows:
- All students of the university.
- The administrative cadre in the university.
- The contracted (part time) instructors.
- The permanent (full time) instructors until they quit their jobs at the university.
- External authorized users.
Library Shift:
- Monday to Friday: From 08:00 am until 08:00 pm.
- Saturdays: From 08:00 am until 01:00 pm
Library Regulations:
- Keep quite at all times inside the library.
- No food or beverages are allowed inside the library for any reason.
- Adhere to the terms of the book-loan system outside the library.
- No other than the beneficiary (Library audience) is granted access and the use of the library services.
- Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, projects of graduation, and thesis cannot be lent outside the library.
- None of the library books can be copied in accordance with the publishing rights.