UMS- Current Students
Current students are those enrolled in one or more university program of study. Each student has a username and password that allows him/her to access resourceful information related to his/her status in the university.
The UMS system has two modules that are accessible to you to reinstate your status as an MU student. These are Registration System and Tuition Management.
1-Registration System
The registration system is a dynamic system that enforces all academic rules of the university. The registration system, powered with the academic rules and regulations of the university will be the virtual advisor of the student.
Each student is required to finish a set of credits to graduate. Those courses, formulating the student’s curriculum, are set once the student is accepted to the university.
The curriculum is composed of required courses, additional courses (remedial), and/or transferred courses. Additional rules apply as per the university rules and regulations. These rules are dynamic and can be set active or inactive. The registration rules affect the resultant “Allowed to register” courses. Dynamic rules are but are not limited to:
- Remedial/Prerequisite Courses
- Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Maximum Credit Load
- Course vs. Student Level
- Course re-registration rules
- Probation, Double Probation, and Suspension
- Other rules apply for cross-campus registration, exchange students, etc...
There are also a set of rules that apply by default. These rules watch for time overlap, class capacity, etc...
2-Tuition Management
After registration is confirmed, the UMS calculates the tuition fees required from the student based on the university credit pricing strategy.
The UMS allows financial aid as well as registration or any other general fees. After calculating the whole sum, the UMS generates payment vouchers with due dates as per the university Directorate of Financial Affairs (business office/bursars office) regulations.
The student is able to print/save these vouchers and pay them at any bank of the university choosing. Once paid, the voucher is set as paid in the UMS and update any accounting systems where applicable on daily basis.
Automating voucher payments can be useful to create rules for blocking the view of grades, registration, or other control features requested by the university.