Jomaa Visits Syndicate of Engineers in Beirut

The Vice-President of Al Maaref University and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Jalal Jomaa, accompanied by the Director of Legal Affairs at the University, Dr Ali Ghosn, visited the headquarters of the Syndicate of Engineers in Beirut, Mr Jad Tabet, on Wednesday, 19 July 2017.
Dr Jomaa explained about the university, its objectives and its various faculties, focusing on the Faculty of Engineering, which will begin teaching at the beginning of the academic year 2017/2018. He confirmed the academic and scientific standards that the University is working on and its contribution to the institute a pioneering model in education based on the latest technologies and laboratories provided by international and prestigious companies in the field of advanced technology.
The Dean of Engineering presented a copy of the decree of licensing the Faculty of Engineering after its publication in the Official Gazette, stressing the full cooperation with the Syndicate of Engineers in the interests of the profession and the homeland.
At the end of his visit, Dr Jomaa congratulated Captain Thabet for his participation in the Antiquities Conference in Bologna and his role and position towards the city of Al Khalil (Palestine), which is a place of pride for all.
In turn, the Captain welcomed the delegation of Al Maaref University and affirmed his support and the support of the Syndicate Council for all the efforts being made, hoping that the dedicated work reaps all conditions of success in the Faculty of Engineering at Al Maaref University.
The hosted meeting in the Lebanese Syndicate of Engineers was also attended by the member of the Board of the Engineer, Eng. Adnan Alyan.