"Microsoft Excel" and "Online Training Techniques Remotely" Workshops
Within the framework of the training program in accordance with the remote training policy, Human Resources Management department at the Maaref University in cooperation with Information Technology and Management Systems department organized a number of training courses and workshops during the months of April and May in order to improve the efficiency of its administrative staff, in which the most notably was the training workshop on "Online Training Techniques Remotely” and an advanced course on "Microsoft Excel".
The first workshop entitled “Online Training Techniques”, presented by Engineer Mostafa Alawieh, aimed to introduce the participants to the mechanism of creating a virtual classroom through the approved application, as well as adding students and teachers in the new grades, and the ways on how to communicate with them through notifications, e-mail and private messages. In addition to providing a detailed explanation on the steps of adding question, assignments and exams to the virtual class and the better way to correct them. Moreover, he explained how to create Google Form and obtaining results on account of its importance in preparing student research. The second course “Microsoft Excel – Advance” was presented by Engineer Hassan Noun, in which it covered over three days the purposes adopted in training at the Microsoft Global Parent Company. This course aimed to develop the skills and knowledge of the participants about the program, notably in the advanced mechanisms used for the completion of the work, equations, reports, etc.
These two training workshops are in the context of the remote training program after what caused by Corona-virus crisis that forced the closure of the majority of institutions. To compensate, employees started working from their homes as much as possible by making use of the services provided by the technology of information; keeping in mind the need to invest time in training, and working on developing and mastering their skills.