
The Student Life and Activities Office at the Student Affairs Deanery encourages students to engage in extracurricular activities and interact with campus life through a variety of clubs.

Student clubs are student-led organizations supervised by the Student Affairs Deanery. They play an important role in building educational and life experiences for students, providing opportunities for non-academic activities that help them integrate into the university community alongside peers who share similar interests.

These clubs help hone various skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and organization. They contribute to discovering, developing, and investing in talents and energies, encouraging students to innovate and be creative, enabling them to pursue different activities and hobbies, and enriching their resumes.

Moreover, student clubs serve as hubs of scientific, cultural, social, athletic, and artistic activities, allowing students to connect with pioneers in these fields both inside and outside the university.

Objectives of Student Clubs

  1. Shape and integrate into the university life model.
  2. Develop student personalities.
  3. Highlight and encourage the development of talents and hobbies.
  4. Foster a sense of responsibility and initiative among students.
  5. Provide students with opportunities to participate in activities that align with their interests and capabilities.
  6. Support academic specializations to enhance students' scientific and technical proficiency.
  7. Encourage volunteer work and public services, promoting teamwork among students.
  8. Strengthen relationships and cooperation among various student clubs.
  9. Contribute to showcasing the cultural, pioneering, and national dimensions of the university.

Reading Club

نادي المطالعة: استكشف عالم الكتب والثقافة

نادي ال…

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Dialogue Club

نادي الثقافة والحوار: مكان التفكير والتفاعل

نادي …

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Sports Club

نادي الرياضة: للصحة واللياقة وتعزيز الروح الرياضية…

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Social Work Club

نادي الخدمة الاجتماعية: لخدمة وبناء المجتمع

نادي …

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Raeda Club

نادي الرائدة: لبناء القائدات الناجحات

يهدف نادي ا…

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Art Club

نادي الفن: لاكتشاف الإبداع والتعبير الفني

نادي ال…

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